free web tracker Ρυθμίζει την πίεση του αίματος! - ΑΓΡΙΕΛΑΙΟ AGROIL
Ρυθμίζει την πίεση του αίματος!

Regulates blood pressure!

The unheated wild olive oil helps to the smooth function of arteries, it reduces the blood pressure, it helps to the confrontation of hypertension &amp whilst it prevents the creation of thrombosis.

The unheated wild olive oil is the fruit juice of wild olive and it is recommended to consumed in raw form, a tablespoon per day.

It is produced with unheated processing without any temperature and water and due to its high conciseness to phenolic- polyphenolic compounds it’s the world’s best oil.

Its beneficial properties concerning the organism are infinite!!!

Characteristic is its conciseness to antioxidants substances as tocopherols (vitamin E), vitamin C, carotenoids (B carotene, xanthopyll) phenols and polyphenols, it also contains a large proportion of oil protein, eleocanthal and olaecein. It’s a matter of substances which exist in the bitter fruit of wild olive with precious antioxidants properties for our organism.

Some of the benefits of wild olive oil are the following:

-It decreases the harmful cholesterol (LDL)

-It helps the smooth function of arteries and prevents the creation of thrombosis.

-It reduces the blood pressure and helps to the confrontation of hypertension.

-It helps to the prevention of atheromatosis and therefore to the protection from coronary disease.

-It helps the smooth function of metabolism and it is necessary for those who suffer from diabetes because it balances the blood sugar.

It is a beneficial product for health. The recommended daily consumption is: 1 tablespoon 8ml raw wild olive oil every morning with empty stomach, it helps in the reduction and regulation of arterial pressure.

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