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Polyphenols and beneficial capacities

Πολυφαινόλες και Ευεργετικές ιδιότητες

What are famous polyphenols and phenols and which are their beneficial capacities for our health ?

Fresh and properly elaborated (extracted by innovative method) unheated wild olive oil or olive oil with unheated and without water cold pressing out ( See here ), is rich in content of polyphenols.

Polyphenols is a complex of ingredients found in the olive fruit which gives it the turbid look and bitter taste which is attributed to the product.

Olive tree creates the development of polyphenols in its fruit to protect it from the sun, which radiation causes oxidation.

Phenols are the fusions which contain at least one benzol ring and one or more hydroxyl in the benzol ring.

Phenols display intense antioxidant action. Due to their antioxidant action, they contribute to the prevention or delay of oxidation of olive.

High concentration of oleic acid and low concentration of triglycerides in very unsaturated fatty acids is due to the exuberant antioxidant stability of unheated wild olive-oil , and to the levels of phenolic ingredients with antioxidant action.


Here is what phenols do :

Phenols: Increase the resistance to oxidation.

Sterols : they prevent the absorption of cholesterol from the intestine.

Carotenes : Help the development of cells and Haematopoiesis and speed the process of healing.

Terpenic alcohols : Help the elimination of cholesterol.

Tocopherols : They prevent self-oxidation.

B-carotene : antioxidant and necessary for eyesight.

The green gold or liquid gold, as we call unheated wild olive oil, ensures abundant benefits to human health.

Greece with the mild climate and the fruitful land, produces the best unheated olive-oil in the world.

The wild olive oil, as well as the green olive oil and the olive oil. processed unheated ( See here ), it is undoubtedly considered the best in the world.

Do not forget that olive-fruit is a fruit with juice. Its nutritional value and its contribution to health, is recognized worldwide and the scientific documentation about that is widely known.

Some of the beneficial capacities of unheated wild olive-oil is the reduction of bad cholesterol, the prevention of cardiovascular illness, the prevention of cancer, the reduction of indigestion, the development of central nervous system and cerebral cells, health for skin and hair due to antioxidation of cells and many vitamins, reduction of blood pressure. Also the unheated wild olive oil affects positively on the proper growth of children, it delays aging of cells, it helps against disorders of digestive system and metabolism, it is a supplement of high nutritional value of breast milk, it contains lubricant vitamins, it helps against insect bites, it has been used since Hippocrates era as an excellent cosmetic and many other uses, that you can read about them from journals of doctoral studies from all over the world.

The Cold pressing out wild olive-oil is distinguished from the scent, the colour and the taste. Its acidity is especially low, always lower than 0,2%.

It is rich in sterols (mainly b-sitosterol) and in fatty acids, mainly oleic acid (omega 9), linolenic acid ( omega 3) and linoleic acid (omega 6). Its content in antioxidantsubstances , like tocopherols (vitamin E ), vitamin C, carotenoids ( b-carotene, xanthophyll ), phenols and polyphenols.

One tablespoon of unheated wild olive oil per day, as the experts recommend, it contributes to better health and longevity!

The unheated olive-oil do have a leading role in the Mediterranean diet not by accident.

The unheated wild olive oil provides invaluable antioxidant substances and beneficial monounsaturated fat, necessary for the body. Moreover, it has a large content in vitamin E, which contributes to the health of the skin and eyes and also it strengthens the immune system.

In their new book ” Eat Better Live Longer “, Dr Sarah Brewer and dietician Juliette Kellow describe how ” liquid gold “, as unheated wild olive oil is usually called, can add more years of life and to protect from serious diseases.

As these two experts explain, the antioxidant substances of unheated wild olive-oil are possible to prevent or delay the development of cancer and reduce the danger of a heart attack and brain stroke. These illnesses constitute the most common causes of death on a global scale.

“Analytical review of scientific studies have reached the conclusion that those who consume unheated wild olive oil on a regular basis run 34% lower risk to develop any kind of cancer and especially breast cancer compared to those who consume very low amounts “, as Dr Bruier claims.

Also, unheated wild olive oil decreases the harmful effects of high cholesterol, of hypertension and diseases of older age and at the same time it can improve the cognitive function.

All the things that are mentioned by Dr Sarah Brewer and Juliette Kellow in their book, are documented by dozens of scientific studies, which have proved that unheated wild olive oil helps us to avoid several deadly diseases.

As the two experts point out, due to high energy value of unheated wild olive-oil, its calories are about 100 per tablespoon, so it is advisable to consume it in moderation.

The daily consumption should be a tablespoon (8ml) of raw oil, every morning on an empty stomach.

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1 Comment

  • by Tawanna Posted November 11, 2023 9:12 pm

    Yеs! Finally something about scientіst.

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